Signal Processing: Algorithms, Architectures, Arrangements and Applications

Among the conference aims are: presentation of the newest achievements in a wide and interdisciplinary area of signal processing (particularly of audio and video) but also integration of researchers active in this field.
⇒ DSP theory, algorithms, and implementations
⇒ Image and video processing
⇒ Audio processing
⇒ Digital Television and stereovision
⇒ Multimedia data compression, editing, and data bases
⇒ Electroacoustics
⇒ Psychoacoustics
⇒ Sound mastering
⇒ Human-computer interfaces
⇒ Image synthesis, analysis, and recognition
⇒ Filter design and implementation
⇒ Vision and audio-based diagnosis in medicine and industry
⇒ Text-to-speech & speech-to-text algorithms
⇒ Artificial intelligence applications in DSP
⇒ Distributed and networked DSP systems
⇒ Virtual and augmented reality
⇒ Biometrics
⇒ Biomedical applications and assistive technologies
⇒ Mobile platform applications
Polish IEEE Circuits and Systems Chapter (CAS Chapter for short) was established in the Poland IEEE Section in 1991.
Organization of Signal Processing Workshops and other conferences can already be considered as the Chapter tradition and one of its most important scientific activities.